Owners of Attacker, De-Verb, and Mo-Verb can get the plugins for a promotional pricing of $29 USD each. Attacker Plus costs $99 USD De-Verb Plus and Mo-Verb Plus are $79 USD each. The SPL Microplugs are available for Windows and Mac (VST/AU/AAX).

New and improved user interface and core modeling algorithm.Plugin Toolbar with Undo / Redo, A/B/C/D banks and reset function.Built-in peak limiter with Gain Reduction indicator.SPL De-Verb Plus/SPL Mo-Verb Plus: Same great reverb and sustain reduction taken from the Sustain knob of the SPL Transient Designer Plus.SPL Attacker Plus: Same great transient shaper taken from the Attack knob of the SPL Transient Designer Plus.In addition to having new features like dry/wet mix, a latency-free peak limiter with gain reduction meter, and a plugin toolbar with undo/redo, A/B/C/D banks and reset function, the new Microplugs use new and improved analog modeling from the Transient Designer Plus plugin, making them sound and behave more like the original SPL Transient Designer hardware than ever before. Smooth and predictable, I use Boz Labs Transgressor more these days but with its enhanced feature set it’s also easier to mess your sound up. List your SPL Transient Designer 2 today to get it in front of thousands of eyes, quickly and easily. Kind of like the Old Faithful of transient plugins. The SPL Microplugs are simple, straightforward, and yet extremely powerful transient shaping tools. The Pedal Movie 0 APR Financing Available Free 2-Day Shipping Buying Guides Deals & Steals Exclusives and Makers Price Drops Price Guide Seller Hub Top Sellers & Recent Releases. In addition to having new features like dry/wet mix, a latency-free peak limiter with gain reduction meter, and a plugin toolbar with undo/redo, A/B/C/D banks and reset function, the new Microplugs use new and improved analog modeling from the Transient Designer Plus plugin, to help them sound and behave more like the original SPL Transient Designer hardware.Plugin Alliance has announced availability of SPL’s Attacker Plus, De-Verb Plus, and Mo-Verb Plus, new and improved versions of three must-have Microplugs created by founding Plugin Alliance development partner Brainworx in close collaboration with SPL.

The SPL Microplugs have always been designed as simple, straightforward, and yet powerful transient shaping tools. SPL Transient Designer Plus by Plugin Alliance (KVRAudio Product Listing): In the late '90s, SPL revolutionized the recording and live sound industries with their introduction of the Transient Designer. The Plugin Alliance All Bundle provides a collection of processors worthy of any world-class recording studio. Our friends at Plugin Alliance have released new versions of their Microplug range with improved versions of three plugins created by founding Plugin Alliance development partner Brainworx in close collaboration with SPL - Attacker Plus, De-Verb Plus, and Mo-Verb Plus. Descarga Directa Direct Download Multi Transient 1.7 VST-VST3-RTAS-AAX-AU WIN-MAC 32bit-64bit.